20 November 2012

Thankful Tuesdays!

I am still feeling grateful! Here we go!
(I am sorry that there aren't pictures. Blogger keeps telling me NO!)

14th November: I am thankful for an unexpected free evening and time with my sister.
15th November: I am thankful for walks with with friends, even at unlikely times.
16th November: I am thankful for fireworks and cupcakes!
17th November: I am thankful for perspective and advice that I gain from those around me.
18th November: I am thankful for holiday spirit and cheer (and decorations)!
19th November: I am thankful for the many forms that music takes in my life.
20th November: I am thankful that I am able to make a difference in the lives of others.

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it, and have a beautiful week to everyone!

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Hi! Thank you for commenting! I truly do look forward to reading it (: